“Hail to the Orange” Snubbed for Grammys for 112th Year In a Row

For the last 65 years, the Grammys have been a prestigious award, honoring the best songs of the year. However, this prestige comes with significant controversy, as critics perceive elitism and bad decisions behind every unpopular winner and each unexpected snub. However, this year, these criticisms have come to a head, as the Grammys have committed their greatest sin so far:

Refusing to honor the UIUC official song, "Hail to the Orange".

Indeed, this song's one hundred year old legacy that predates the Grammys itself has somehow failed to be noticed by the Academy, in a move we can only attribute to malice. How could they fail to honor the university ranked as the 41st best by US News and World Report? Did they not notice that our football team is having an above average season? Where is the credit given to our prestigious top ten ranking in party schools? Surely these things merit at least a nomination.

This year marks the last straw, as it seems like the Grammys will never shed their century-long anti-Illini bias. In response, I call upon all readers to disregard the Grammys and their fraudulent awards, and seek bluer and oranger pastures elsewhere.
