Student Found Crushed Under Avalanche of Late Work, Drafts for Nightly Illini Articles in Hand

Upon returning to campus our correspondent was “very busy with school” and “on the grind this semester”. After weeks of no contact or Nightly Illini stories written, our very busy correspondent became worried about our writer. He stopped by our writer’s apartment, only to find him on the floor, despondent, with a few incoherent Nightly Illini article ideas scribbled in crayon on half a sheet of notebook paper.

Worried, our correspondent pulled our writer back to his feet. When asked about what caused this breakdown, our writer responded “I found myself crushed by an avalanche of work. The avalanche was seemingly caused by a small shift in deadlines, causing a tremor in the mountains of work I was going through. ”

Our writer then promised that he would be more careful in the future but made no promises.
