Bowling Balls On Strike
Following the improvement in skill of many of the Union Bowling Alley’s bowlers, tensions have been high among the bowling balls. Just last week, things reached a breaking point as the bowling balls' interests smashed against the opposing pins’.
Bowling ball union leaders are reportedly taking a hard line against any scabs. They state that any pins that dare cross their picket line will be knocked down. Union leaders especially can’t stand pins that are clearly in the lane’s pocket. These pins will be the first to fall.
The bowling balls will continue to strike as long as pins are on the lane. This comes as a welcome surprise to frequent bowler John Ballin. “My games have been nearly perfect lately. Thank god those bowling balls are doing that thing... Er, what did you say was happening with them again?” stated Ballin.
Meanwhile, this strike is coming at the worst possible time for the Jones administration. In this economy there is no way the Union Rec Room can survive the bowling ball’s strike, especially during the notoriously busy finals season. “The Rec Room pins are built on weak fundamentals, and given the circumstances I don’t think they can withstand such an impact.”