Mysterious Ghost Accused of Stealing Roommates' Food, Leaving Messes

Denizens of one apartment on Green Street have been struggling with mysterious food disappearances over the last 6 months. Occasionally, food would simply disappear from the fridge, dirty dishes would be left in the kitchen, and size 12 muddy footprints would appear. No conclusive evidence has been discovered as to the source of these disturbances, but residents have their own theories.

Zach, shoe size 12, was the first we interviewed, suggesting that it was "probably a ghost or something, bro", and that "it totally didn't have anything to do with him." However, other roommates maintain that these problems are, in fact, originating from one of the earthly residents of the apartment. Without any consensus on the matter, the residents are at a loss as to the best course of action. Some questions asked by the concerned residents include, "Maybe you guys can pay for, like, an exorcist or something?", and "is it too late to kick this guy off the lease?"

Indeed, it appears this mystery will remain unsolved, as neither side has offered any conclusive evidence.
